Respect in Sport Policy

Owner: Director of Business & Sport Development
Originally Board Approved: March 22, 2017
Last Revised: January 23, 2019
Last Reviewed: January 23, 2019


The MODS Respect in Sport Policy covers:

  • which members of the organization are required to take the “Respect In Sport” (RIS) program,
  • who will cover any costs, and 
  • what happens to members who do not complete the course.


This policy applies to all provincial team coaches, volunteers and chaperones. This policy also covers the MODS Summer Program Associate, coaches in MODS beginner and summer youth leagues.

This policy does not apply to coaches, teachers and volunteers involved in the middle and high school sports leagues that MODS is affiliated with. 

Required members must complete the online course prior to the start of their involvement with a MODS team or program. MODS will cover the costs related to registration in the RIS program. Coaches, volunteers and other approved members must submit their RIS number to the MODS Business and Sport Development Director for reimbursement. Coaches, volunteers and other approved members will take any necessary courses to remain current as per Sport Manitoba requirements. Coaches, volunteers and other approved members who fail to attain certification prior to their involvement will not be allowed to continue with their team or program until they have submitted their RIS number to MODS.