Call For Advisory Groups

April 11, 2024 at 9:15am

MODS is pleased to announce the creation of a Women’s Advisory Group, a Junior’s Advisory Group, a Coach’s Advisory Group and a Tournament Advisory Group.  Each group will work with the office to help shape and form these programs going forward.  It is the intention that these groups will help to solicit feedback from the community, work with volunteers as required, and contribute to the operational documents for each of these areas.  We are asking you to share this information with as many individuals as you can so we can ensure that all parties are represented.

The deadline for applications to these working groups is May 10, 2024. All applications can be submitted to and should include a cover letter and a summary of relevant involvement in the area along with the skills you are able to contribute.

Final appointment to these Advisory Groups will be made no later than June 1 and will be posted on the website.

Women’s Advisory Group: up to 3 people interested in furthering women’s programming in Manitoba; ideally one with coaching experience, one younger/new to women’s programming, and one with extensive experience with the current system.

Junior’s Advisory Group: up to 3 people interested in working to grow the junior programming in Manitoba; ideally one person with NCCP certification and/or performance planning education or background, one former coach, one former player.

Coach’s Advisory Group: up to 3 people interested in recruiting and educating of coaches in Manitoba; ideally at least one with current NCCP certification and one with performance planning education or background. 

Tournament Advisory Group: Up to 3 people interested in helping with event coordination including volunteer schedules and soliciting sponsors, as well as people interested in growing and expanding events in MB.