MODS is Hiring Coaches!
MODS is hiring coaches for summer 2025 programs. Applications (cover letter and resume along with a list of which programs/teams and which positions within teams you would be interested in) can be submitted to no later than January 15, 2025.
It is suggested coaches apply for more than one position.
Team Manitoba (Open and Womens):
Minimum requirement is Comp Intro certified NCCP for Head Coach and Comp Intro trained for Assistant Coaches.
Minimum required Comp Intro certified NCCP for Head Coach and Comp Intro trained for Assistant Coaches.
**note that MODS reserves the right to add or remove teams as deemed appropriate**
Comp Intro certified: $1000/season
Comp Intro trained: $500/season
Minimum requirements for application is a valid criminal record check and Respect in Sport. Criminal record checks may be completed after accepting the position but before contact with players.
U10 Summer League: Thursday evenings (June/July/August)
U14 Summer League: Thursday evenings, (June/July/August)
U18 Summer League: Thursday evenings, (June/July/August)
Comp Intro certified: $25/hour
Comp Intro trained: $20/hour
Not yet trained/certified: $16/hour
Respect in Sport is an online coaching, supervisor and parent teaching module which helps leadership involved in youth sport and development learn about best and healthiest practices for those environments.
MODS is the governing and organizing body for all school league, junior, and provincial programs in Manitoba. We are governed by Coaching Manitoba and Sport Manitoba, this requires all of our coaches to complete Respect in Sport training. This rule also applies to all chaperones, managers and assistant coaches.
If you have already completed RIS for another sport, then that will carry over and be applied to ultimate through the NCCP coaching locker.
If you have taken RIS in the past, please make sure it is current and up to date - RIS requires re-certification every 5 years.
Should coaches be found coaching during a game without having completed this accreditation, the coach will be removed from that game and will be suspended from the following game. Should that same coach try and coach again without the proper accrediation and completion of RIS, they will be suspended from coaching in Manitoba for 1 calendar year and their team will be put into suspension for that season.
We encourage everyone to start their online accreditation as soon as possible... most people take 2-3 hours to complete this online course, however some are done quicker and some take longer. You cannot fail RIS.