Skye Wealth - MODS newest sponsor!

September 25, 2020 at 9:56am

Skye Wealth, MODS and Manulife bring you Manulife Vitality.

Manulife Vitality is a program that pays you to play ultimate, be active and live a healthy lifestyle. You get a free Garmin or subsidies on an Apple Watch to track your fitness and an app that records your progress and updates your points as you earn them.  The more points you earn the higher the discount and the more incentives you get. It’s a win win and if you are already healthy and active you really don’t need to change your lifestyle to get the discounts.

The program is tied to life insurance. Most people will at some point buy life insurance. Whether it’s for a home mortgage, to protect your family or for a charity. The way life insurance works is that they look at the general population and charge people more as they get older or are less healthy. For example a 30 year old smoker will pay more than a 25 year old non-smoker, assuming everything else is the same. What’s new is that now you can get even more of a discount for being healthy. Finally an insurance company is rewarding you for living an active life. Not only that, they are helping and encouraging you with other incentives and tools to make it even easier and fun.

JUST ANNOUNCED! - Apple Watch Series 6 and SE will soon join the list of wearable device options for you to choose from!

As a MODS member you’re already off to a good start because ultimate is part of a healthy lifestyle. Now collect the rewards. Sign up now to get your Apple watch and other discounts you are entitled to.

Click here to get started.

Tim’s Story

Fitness has been a big part of my life since I was 10 years old. In September of that year I broke my femur. For those who don’t know this is the largest bone in the human body. After spending 5 months in the hospital in traction and another 2 months in a body cast I had to learn to walk again in March of the following year. The muscles in my thigh were about the same size as my wrist. That summer as I sat on the sidelines watching my friends compete in the end of year school track meet I decided that I wanted to complete the following year, and so it began. Over 40 years later I’m still going. Working out almost every day, playing multiple sports and being active is a big part of my life.

When Manulife first approached us with their Manulife Vitality program I have to admit I was skeptical. I thought it was going to be a fad like so many things that have come and gone in the fitness industry over the years. To their credit Manulife has continued to invest in this program year after year and has shown that they are committed to this for the long term. It makes sense, the more healthy their clients are the less they have to pay out in claims. Of course as a client this is even better. Being healthier means less down time to sickness or illness, the ability to be active, and it greatly increases your odds of living longer and having a better quality of life as you age.

Health is something we all take for granted when we have it but you don’t have to look far to see the impact poor health can have on a person and the people around them. The bright side is that we often have some control when it comes to taking steps to improve our health. Being active and eating well can have a significant impact and that’s where Manulife Vitality comes in.

The Manulife Vitality program helps in a number of ways and the biggest one is accountability. They give you all the tools and incentives to be healthy, they help you track it and continue to add value for as long as you are a member of the program. First they give you subsidies on an Apple watch or a Garmin to track your workouts, they combine that with an app for your phone with a wealth of information and tools. You get discounts on gym memberships and can earn gift cards just for being active. They even have online courses you can take to earn points towards your goals. On top of all that they will pay for an annual check up and testing so you are on top of any changes in your health that need to be address over time. In case that wasn’t enough you also get discounts on so you can go out in the world and enjoy being healthy and active in new and exciting places.

All in all this is a program that will benefit anyone who engages with it.

To learn more please contact our office. Email us directly or call us at (204) 925-0010.