MODS Members,
We’re into the final weeks of 2021. As the calendar year draws to a close, I’d like to remind members of how they can reach out to us for any number of reasons.
Our staff are available for general business and operational (league) matters, for Peter and for Corey. For governance related matters, the board as a whole can be reached at, or individually at [first initial][last name]
Complaints and suggestions for improvement can be directed to (general) or (personnel) as appropriate, as we do value the opportunity to learn, improve and ultimately provide the best experience for all of our members. We are particularly interested in community feedback related to what MODS can be focusing on improving/growing in the coming years to help inform our strategic planning process, which can be directed to the president email listed above.
On behalf of MODS, I hope you are all able to enjoy some quality time over the coming month with those closest to you.