Team Performance Bond Changes

August 7, 2024 at 1:47pm

Mixed League Performance Bond Changes

Based on feedback from teams not having access to cheques and the challenges faced with collecting them, MODS has elected to alter and simplify this process for the 2024-2025 indoor season. 

Each team will have an additional $300 charged over and above the team fees for each indoor mixed league team. This money will be refunded within 48 hours of the end of the season if neither of the performance bonds (valued $150 each) have been forfeited.

There are four reasons a performance bond may be forfeited:

1)      A team has a player on the field who is not a valid MODS member.
2)      The conduct committee deems the team has warranted a performance bond forfeit.
3)      A team has failed to field a team for a game resulting in a forfeit, regardless of the amount of notice provided.
4)      A team fails to send a representative to attend the Captains meeting at the start of the league- for clarity, this does NOT need to be the captain, but the team must have at least one person at the meeting as the team representative. 

It is the hope that doing this will streamline and simplify our registration process, and it is also our hope that all of our participating teams will receive this $300 back at the end of the league season. 

MODS will reevaluate this process at the end of the indoor league and solicit feedback on how this new system is working.