MODS Sub Program FAQ

September 9, 2024 at 12:11pm

MODS Sub Program FAQ

I only sub for one team, why should I have to sign up for this program? 
If you are only subbing for one team, your captain can add you as a member of that team's official roster. 

What if I want to sub but don’t want to share my contact information? 
The MODS Sub Program has a link built-in to the registration page for those wanting to keep their contact information private. Captains will only be able to see these players' names with convener access when verifying rosters.  

What happens if I am already on a roster? Can I still be in the Sub Program? 
Yes. However, you cannot sub for teams in the same division you are currently rostered. This would be considered a roster violation and may result in the forfeit and non-refunding of team performance bonds. 

When will the roster lock be? 
The roster lock will be subjective to each program and announced by conveners and staff at the given captain's meeting. Typically, a roster lock will take place with 6 weeks remaining in the season (final 3 weeks of the regular season + playoffs). 

Why do we need this program, why can’t we just have subs on our roster? 
The number of undocumented subs playing without memberships in MODS programming over the years had grown to an untenable level. It is one of our primary responsibilities to ensure all of our members are protected and we can only do that with verifiable memberships and systems in place. 

The MODS Sub Program allows players to sub freely with a simple $0 registration (prior to the roster lock) and a MODS membership. We look forward to this new program and the flexibility it gives our captains and players along with the opportunities it provides for new players to get into our team-based mixed leagues. 

More information will be provided at the Fall Indoor Mixed League Captains meeting on September 24th @ 8:00PM.