MODS 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

July 29, 2019 at 1:04pm

MODS' Annual General Meeting is just around the corner...

Thursday September 26th, 2019(Backup Date September 25th)

Torque Breweries Tap Room

330-830 King Edward St

7:30pm start time - the meeting normally lasts about an hour(ish)

This is our annual get-together to review MODS operations and offer a voice from the members directly to the office and board... this is also the time we vote in new members for the board of directors.

Some things about that...

Who and What are the MODS' board of directors? Elected representatives of you, the member! The board sets...

Policy (what is MODS' stance on X?)

Strategic direction (to what does MODS allocate its resources?)

Operational priorities (what are the things we want our staff to work on each year?)

Who can be a board member? -- You can! Any MODS member is eligible and welcome to stand for election.

What's involved? -- Attend monthly meetings; do some work in between; all on a volunteer basis. Check this role description out for more details.

Why would I do this? -- Any number of reasons, probably. Here are a few examples:

You care about MODS and its direction

You want to lend your efforts to helping out your fellow MODS members

You want experience on a volunteer board (as a resume-builder, springboard to future endeavors, etc)

How do I learn more and/or express interest?

If you're interested, please drop me a line via email!

E: president 'at' mods 'dot' mb 'dot' ca 

The deadline to express interest by MODS by-law is September 12th, 2019 at 4pm (end of office business).

Dropping a line doesn't commit you to anything, so if you're at all interested -- please do so. For what it's worth, MODS' board is a group of members like you; all nice people, few of whom knew each other prior to joining.

We'd love to hear from you!


Yacine Bara

Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports