Please Read - We need your help

July 30, 2019 at 8:59am

There is an ongoing trend happening in our community...

It's a trend we are looking to talk openly about.

One which we have created a committee to focus on and give all their attention to.

This is a trend we hope to stop in it's path and reverse not for next spring, but immediately... this season... this summer.

We reported back in the late spring that we were seeing an uptake in spirit complaints at our junior level, mostly in school play and provincial championships. This was concerning to us as the trend showed increase in junior problems, coaching concerns and parental involvement, so this is something we have begun discussing in earnest and we are working to try and come up with solutions on for the fall season...

Since the end of May though, we have also seen an uptake in mixed team complaints about spirit, with weekly informal comments coming into the office in regards to the attitudes of oposing teams. The MODS board has been looking to address spirit since this past winter and already had a committee waiting to begin operations this spring/summer (and it is currently underway and reporting to the board). We are working in real time to address these concerns on a broader level...

However, for the first time in 5+ years, we are now getting complaints from our sponsors and partners about comments and actions of our members in their venues. It breaks our collective hearts to know that we have people invested in us for this, our Disc Sports community and that there are people willing to talk down, bully or harrass these partners of ours... this is really concerning.

Our Plea to You - The MODS Member

We understand that the work day and that life can throw us curve balls and be tough some times.

So we get it, you (everyone) can have a bad day.

Tha'ts why we're here for you in the office... call us or send us an email or even reach out through social media on a private chat... if you need to vent, have a concern or an idea to improve service - please let US know.

However, we hope we can all help each other to keep from attacking other people when things don't go our way or when life isn't the easiest. Remember our first rule and what makes Disc Sports and our community so special is that we PRIORITIZE SPIRIT, there is nothing we hold more dear than building each other up, helping each other out and sharing positive moments together.

We should never take our negative emotions out on another person, and I emplore you to really be aware of our sponsors and partners and how they invest in us, our sport and our community. Without them we would have a much more difficult path to walk... so please, please, please keep from attacking them or their staff and help us share our thanks for them and their support.

We are here for you...

Sean and Corey in the office...

Yacine with the Board of Directors...

DeLee with the Conduct Committee...

Rob leading the Spirit Working Group.

Reach Out Any Time