Welcome to the inaugural season of the Men's Summer 5 on 5 League! This outdoor program will take place at IJL park and offers registrants a chance to play on teams where rosters are made up post registration, so that there is parity and balance for the first year amongst all teams...
The goal is to make this is as fair and balanced as possible.
Those who play indoor ultimate in the men's leagues, will find that there is more time with the outdoor league which allows for teams to work on drills or skills if they want as part of a warmup before games, or it allows for athletes to work with mentors for 5-10 minutes after games to help with development and to get answers to questions about game play and technique.
If you have any questions, please email the operations director for more information!
Registration will open on March 16th
Cost: $80 (+GST) Free Agent Registration
Location of Games: IJL Ultimate Park
Games Played To: Score of 15
Start Times: 7:00pm