Proudly sponsored by Torque Brewing
The MODS Summer 7 on 7 mixed league will begin play in early August and run to the end of September for an 8 week season. This is a unique one time set up to accommodate the lost summer months due to COVID-19
All teams must have a minimum roster of 12 players with paid memberships and complete paperwork before their first game. This includes (but is not limited to) a valid membership and signed waivers before competing. All teams must comply with the MODS return to play policies leading up to this league and throughout.
*Adult programs and clinics are registering throughout June and will be operational throughout June and July for those athletes wanting to get into game shape and reduce the chance of injury before league opens. Teams are also able to rent fields through MODS for team practices following stage one protocols.
**Please note that due to the increased costs related to COVID-19, MODS is only offering a partial refund if athletes cannot complete the season. This partial refund is for the first 4 weeks of the season only, from week 5 and onwards, there are no refunds.
Important Dates
Registration Opens - June 18th
Registration Closes - July 23rd
Captains Meeting - week of July 27th (most likely online - ZOOM)
League play starts - Stage 2 Early August 2020
League ends - September 2020
More Info