Linden Ridge Summer WYUL Grades 6 to 8

Program Type
Skills Camp
Ops Director MODS
Jun 5 – Jul 24, 2022
Age Class

About Linden Ridge Summer WYUL Grades 6 to 8

2022 Linden Ridge Summer Outdoor WYUL Grades 6 to 8

Ages: 11 to 13 year old players (no experience required), intended for kids who are just completing grades 6 to 8

Cost: $65.00 + GST = $68.25 and a MODS Junior Membership ($10+GST = $10.50)

Location: The location has been updated to Whyte Ridge School, located at 400 Scurfield Blvd, R3Y 1L3 

Dates: Sunday's from June 12th to July 31st (8 week program)

Times: 7:00pm to 8:30pm

An optional reversible WYUL jersey is available to purchase as part of your registration. Contact Corey if you would like to order a jersey.

Winnipeg Youth Ultimate League Mission: The Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports supports our youth development and growth through school programs and individual programs. This dual stream acts as both an entry point for new players and as development for our Provincial teams and affords those in established school programs a chance to learn from new instructors and those from schools without programs a chance to learn about the sport of ultimate. The aim of this program is to provide a development pathway for all junior aged athletes.

What is WYUL?
WYUL is an initiative to deliver summer, fall and winter Ultimate leagues for Winnipeg Youth. The league will run 3 age groups at various sessions throughout the year. This 8 week program in Spring / Summer and a 11 week program in Fall & Winter focuses on skill development, Spirit of the Game and fun as well as team concepts at the older ages.

The 8 week spring program offers 90 minute sessions. During summer WYUL will run at Assiniboine Park and in the fall and winter months the program will run indoors at WSF North (Leila/McPhillips) Soccer Complex. Note: new venues are being added.

Goals and Objectives: MODS sees WYUL as the vehicle to grow our junior participation. Our mid term goals would be to expand participation to the point that we can look at additional age categories, regionalized teams and multiple divisions.

Ultimate is unique in that it is a self officiated sport. All calls are made by the players on the field, sportsmanship, fair play, respect for your opponents and teammates and conflict resolution are all keys to the sport. Parents are reminded that calls can't be made by spectators or players / coaches on the sidelines. Please keep your interactions respectful and fun. Ultimate is a great game and youth players have a lot to gain by playing in this inclusive and supportive atmosphere.

MODS is following the concepts of "Long Term Athlete Development", Sport Canada supports this model which is geared towards age appropriate activities for athletes. MODS will use a few junior specific rules to encourage more skill development. Games at times will be played 5 on 5 (4 on 4 if numbers require) to increase the amount of touches for each participant. Reduced field sizes and a "no zone" rule will also be in place. The LTAD module for this age of physical literacy is Learn to Play.

For more information please contact Corey Draper, MODS Director of Operations

Check out the Junior program page for other youth opportunities including school leagues, other WYUL programs and a new U21 individual registration program.