This league is open to all female matching players looking for a fun evening of ultimate. Good for new or experienced players. Individual sign up, and each team is assigned a mentor to help build on skills and strategy of the game.
Info - This will be a 14-week season running from January 8th to April 16th.
Venue - Sunday's WSF South (U of M)
Time - games will run in the 7:15 pm slot this year.
*** Note. Games on February 19th & April 2nd will take place at 7:30 pm. April 9th's games will be made up on April 16th due to Easter Sunday.
Registration - individual registration will be done on the MODS site on Monday, November 28th @7PM
This league often fills up on the first day (sometimes within a couple of hours) so you'll want to make plans to be ready to register when things open.
Cost - $136.57 + GST = $143.40
For specific questions about women's committee programs please contact Manitoba Women's Committee