Spring High School League

Program Type
No Conveners
May 11 – Jun 1, 2023
Age Class

About Spring High School League

The long-running MODS Spring High School League returns this year. 

Registration: Registration will be done online and will begin on April 4th. The registration deadline is Friday, April 28th at 4PM.

MHSAA: Ultimate is an affiliated sport with the Manitoba High School Sports Athletic Association. In addition to registering with MODS, all schools will be required to submit rosters to the MHSAA.

Memberships: Every player must acquire a MODS junior membership ($10.50 including GST).

Requirements: To register a team in the league that team/school needs a teacher or school admin supervisor and a coach (the coach can be from the school or an outside volunteer). Our school league uses a 4 – 3 ratio of male-matching and female-matching players to comprise their teams of 7. 
*Note: MODS now uses the Gender A Ratio rule for all of our leagues please read the link to the left if you're not familiar with it. We recommend a minimum of 8 boys and 8 girls per team, but encourage you to carry a larger roster to ensure that you’re not short players. Teams need to be able to travel to one or more of our game sites and should expect to play road games within their region. A travel survey will be conducted before the schedules are made.

Dates and Times: The High School League plays on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Games are played from 4:30PM – 6:00PM; typically teams arrive at 4PM for warm-up before play. 

Venues and Locations:  In the past, our main fields of play for games have been Assiniboine Park and Churchill Drive Park, however as we continue to grow and attempt to regionalize we will be encouraging as many schools as possible to provide their own fields for games.  In the case of schools not having a “home” field, we will attempt to schedule their home games at the fields provided by MODS at Assiniboine Park and Churchill Dr. However, all teams will be expected to travel for away games.  We will make every attempt to keep travel to a minimum and in their region. 

Deadlines: Please note all team registrations must be done before Friday, April 28th, 2023 at 4PM. Rosters, player registration, and junior memberships must be paid before the team's first game. 

Creating a team profile only takes a couple of minutes!

Important Dates

April 4th - Registration Opens

April 12th - School Coaches Meeting *REPLACED with 2023 School League Handbook

April 28th - Registration Deadline

May 9th - First game (weather permitting)

May 13th - Free MODS Discovery 1-day tournament @ IJL Ultimate Park in Maple Grove.

June 3rd & 4th - MODS Junior Provincial Championships @ IJL Ultimate Park in Maple Grove.

For more information on starting a new High School program contact our Ops Director