The Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports uses the most recent version of the USAU official rulebook with important amendments for our outdoor and indoor league and events. These are broken down below as follows:
- Official 2024-2025 Rule Book
- MODS amendments to the USAU rules for our outdoor leagues and events.
- MODS amendments to the USAU rules for our indoor leagues and events.
If a captain is unable to field a full team for a scheduled league game, that captain must contact the opposing team's captain a minimum of 24 hours prior to scheduled game time and must receive confirmation from that captain acknowledging the need to reschedule/cancel. Confirmation must be in the form of a conversation or email reply. The team that forfeits their game will have one of their two performance bonds cashed. If the captain that is unable to field a team does not do this, then both of the team's performance bonds will be cashed. Any further incidents of this nature will warrant further attention.
All mixed teams must have no more than 4 players of a gender on the field at a time, except in Master’s league, in which there is a minimum of 2 players of each gender. MODS is now using Gender Rule A in all of our Mixed Leagues.
The Spirit Foul rule has been removed from MODS amendments and replaced by the Spirit Timeout.
The Dangerous Play Foul amendment has been removed as the update to the USAU 2020 - 21 rules no covers our amenment properly.
Players must wear closed toe athletic footwear to compete in any MODS sanctioned events or games. Players may not play in their bare feet.
In the interests of player safety, games will have a hard time cap to ensure they end before darkness. Both teams should agree on a timepiece to be used to determine the cap at the beginning of the game or as soon as it is apparent the game may need to be capped. When the hard time cap is reached, the point in progress may be played to its conclusion, after which the game terminates, regardless of the score (Exception: if it is a playoff game and is tied after the end of this point, one more point may be played to determine the winner). Players are encouraged to start games promptly to avoid the need to cap games.
In order for a player to be deemed eligible for playoffs, that player must have played a minimum of four regular season games and also be on that team's official roster. If a team wishes to involve a player who is not on the roster in any game (playoff or regular season), that team's captain must receive the other team captain's permission prior to the start of the game. Players may only be on one official roster per league night.
Observers will attend some WUL games. When an observer is present they will have the following duties: Watching games closely and assisting players in understanding the rules, including answering questions on rules and pointing out any incorrect applications of the rules. Monitoring game start times. Resolution of disputes: If players disagree on a call and are unable to resolve the dispute between themselves, one player may request a ruling from the observer. The other player(s) involved will be asked if they agree to go to the observer; if they do, the observer may give a ruling and that ruling is binding. If the issue is solely the interpretation of a rule, observers will give rule clarification. Players are encouraged to resolve their own disputes even when an observer is present. Observers may temporarily remove players from a game if they are being overly aggressive either physically or verbally, as per a spirit foul. Observers will make active line calls (in- or out-of-bounds and in/out of the endzone) when in position to make the call. All other calls remain the responsibility of the players. This includes line calls where the observer is not in position to make the call.
Length of game: 15 points
Upper score limit: 15 points
Time of game limit: See ‘Darkness/Time Caps’ above
Half-time length: 5 minutes
Number of time-outs: 3/game, with a maximum of 2/half
Starting time point assessments: 1 point/5 minutes
Game start time: 7pm*
*Scheduled game start time may be earlier later in the season and for fall league; games at some fields may start later. Check scheduled game start time on website.
End zones are 18 metres (20 yards) deep.
If the field of play is not lined, half-field cones are added exactly half-way (35 yards) between the end zones and the end zones are marked with double cones.
Only white Discraft or Daredevil brand discs may be used.
Golf cleats are not permitted. Close toed shoes are required; barefoot play is not permitted.
No game can exceed 17 points (Point Cap)
Once the Hard Time Cap is reached, the point in progress is completed and the game terminates, even if tied.
Half-time occurs when one team reaches 8 points. Half-time lasts 5 minutes.
Teams are limited to 3 time-outs per game, with no more than 2 of those being taken in any half.
An injury time-out can be called by any member of EITHER team. If the time-out is called by a member of the opposing team, play is resumed in the same manner described under VI.C.7.a.
This rule applies to the scheduled game start time (as described above for rule I.D.).
Each team must have a minimum of FOUR players to begin and continue a game. These could be of the same gender.
If this occurs within twenty yards of the endzone the receiving team is defending, the disc is put into play AT THE RECEIVING TEAM'S BRICK MARK. (amendment eliminated)
Observer duties in the WUL include:
Monitoring game start time
Resolution of disputes when players on BOTH teams agree to go to the observer
Temporary removal of players from the game if they are being overly aggressive either physically or verbally.
Active line calls (in- or out-of-bounds and in/out of the endzone) when in position to make the call.
Due to the change in available space, indoor Ultimate is played under different rules.