Recent changes to restrictions regarding COVID-19 and how that might affect organized sports is addessed below.
Please see some general info below.
It's important to note that Order 13 (2) exempts organized sports leagues from the outdoor gathering maximums.
The latest updates to the public health orders were released April 19th, 2021 and the specific change we want to reinforce is the gathering sizes outdoors as they relate to spectator limits. The updated orders can be found here, and are in effect today, through May 12, 2021.
ORDER 2 - Gatherings
These new gathering sizes really restrict spectating at sporting activities.
It is our understanding that no more than 10 persons at an outdoor place applies to spectators at outdoor sports. This was previously 25. We recommend that you work with your facility owners and operators to ensure policies are in place and communicated to teams to make sure all are in compliance with this new health order.
This does not affect the unlimited number of participants for outdoor activities, as noted in Order 13 (2), the group must be participating in an organized practice, game, or competition at an outdoor sporting facility.
FAQ as this all relates to MODS Summer League Activities
Does the reduction in outdoor gathering numbers mean we can't play? No, as stated above outdoor sports are exempt from those restrictions.
Could the league be postponed are canceled? That is always a possibility. If the Province makes a change to outdoor sports exemptions then we would have to adjust our plans. Our hope is to proceed as planned uninterupted but we will always follow the guidance and advice of Sport Manitoba and the Province.
Can we have spectators at the games? Spectators are limited to outdoor gathering numbers per field / venue and more importantly as per specific league rules to be communicated to captains. The MODS Summer Mixed League wants to limit spectators as much as possible only young children and dependants would be allowed at our games. Teams would have to restrict themselves to 50% of the current gathering size numbers; that is currently 10 so each team would be limited to 5. We encourage teams to have zero spectators if possible. For junior programs we ask parents to not stay if possible, parents could wait in their cars or return at the end of the program.
Do we have to wear masks at the fields? All players must wear face coverings to and from their fields. We highly recommend that you also wear them on the sidelines when you are not playing. Masks and shields are optional when you are playing. All spectators must wear masks at all times (if they are old enough).
Please send comments, questions and concerns to: MODS COVID EMAIL