We got some good news on the funding front, recently.
Part of what makes MODS run is a bit of funding from the provincial government, disbursed via Sport Manitoba. Our funding for the next 4 years was just announced, and is 13% higher than for the last 4 years ($50K per annum, up from ~$44K). More than the dollar impact, this news is a good sign that MODS' framework of programming, sport development and administrative infrastructure continue to evolve in ways that Sport Manitoba endorses -- good for our progress as an organization.
Our main focus for 2019 -- as MODS' board and staff -- is on doubling down on core programming. We've made a big push for recruitment into adult summer mixed league (MODS' flagship program), we're bringing back 'Beat the Skeeters' (bigger and better), and will continue our proud traditions in junior programming -- middle-school and high-school provincial championships, Team Manitoba, etc. Elsewhere, we are once again partnering with Super Spike (after a successful pilot last year), and on the disc-golf front, we've strengthened our partnership with local organizers who've tended to operate more at arm's length in the past. Under Mark Oxer's excellent leadership, we see a bright future for an already vibrant portion of our community.
'Spirit of the Game' is a key ingredient in what makes the sport of Ultimate work in the absence of conventional tools for arbitration (refs/judges/replays etc). Every so often, it's worth it to go back to the drawing board and ask ourselves how we're doing. What's going well? What's not? How can we be better? The goal here is to make sure that we're continually striving for the best possible experience for our members when you all take the field.
We're in the process of forming a 'working group' for this purpose, which you'll be welcome/encouraged to join. Stay tuned -- more info to come.
Last year at this time, I wrote a blurb for the newsletter wherein I pointed out that serving on a volunteer board can be great as a resume-builder. I heard from at least one person in our community who thought that was the wrong motive to highlight -- that serving MODS should be about contributing for the good of the community, not what the individual can get out of it.
The truth is... both work, and should work together. The ask of prospective board members is that you have the capacity to do the work and that you're here to serve the organization, not a particular agenda. After that, if the engagement looks good on a resume -- go for it! My point was and is only to point out that perk, in case you hadn't considered it.
In any case, much more to come on this front, but give it some thought between now and September. If you'd like to get involved with MODS' board for any of a variety of good reasons, we'd love to have you.
In the meantime, good luck and have fun getting outside this month!