Hello MODS Members!
The 2019 Torque Summer League is just around the corner and we are hoping that 2019 will be the best year yet. In order to avoid some ongoing issues we see throughout the year, your Conduct Committee would like to send out some friendly reminders to pay attention to during the summer season. We'd also like to remind you that the Performance Bond policy includes conduct matters and you have a bond cashed for that reason.
Ultimate is based on respect, sportsmanship and fair play. Without this, our game cannot work.
Just like every new player should know that the stall count is 10 before they step on the field, they should also have a basic understanding of the contest / no contest system that we have.
Calling fouls and violations is part of the game.
This is not an attack on anyone’s character or an invitation to start a huge argument.
Fouls and violations should only be called when there is a reason. At the same time fouls should ONLY be contested when you truly believe the "situation" did not happen.
It is the responsibility of the captain and the team as a whole to control players who are getting out of hand. If a team is making unfair calls then address it with their captain. Although we all may get frustrated with some of the calls or plays on the field, verbal abuse to any other member of MODS is never okay and will not be tolerated.
BEST PERSPECTIVE: "The most complete view available by a player that includes the relative positions of the disc, ground, players, and line markers involved in a play. On an unlined field, this may require sighting from one field marker to another."
When you have disputes in your games, take the opportunity to find out the correct ruling. Discuss it calmly on the fields and sidelines. The idea is to get it right next time... not to "win the argument".
DeLee Coleman
Aj Hunter
Adam Knibbs
Jeremy Layco
Ashlee VandenBerg
Chair of Conduct Committee
DeLee Colemen
This is a noncontact sport. Although same contact can occur. Everyone on the field is responsible to maintain control of their bodies and limbs and keep a view of where they are running.
"I was going for the disc" or "I touched the disc first" is not an excuse for a collision. Please be aware of where you are on the field and how the play you are trying to make may impact others who are trying to enjoy the sport.
Hurting someone to the point where they have to seek medical attention is not worth getting the disc. As a friendly reminder, we are primarily a recreational mixed league. You should be aware of all players around you.
We encourage players to call a "dangerous play foul" if you fear for your safety when trying to make a play for the disc. We have seen too many instances of people getting injured on plays that could have been easily avoided. Ultimate is a team sport and if you aren't relying on your entire team to make plays throughout the game, then maybe this isn't the right sport for you.
There may be a situation where a team will require substitutes from different teams to play a game. As a rule, the expectation is that all subs should be on your roster. However, we realize unexpected situations come up and a sub may be required on extremely short notice and the sub is not an active member on the team's roster.
In the case where the sub is in a tier that is substantially higher than the tier they are subbing for, the expectation would be the captains on both teams discuss and come to an agreement on whether or not the sub can play. If it is agreed that the sub can play, then the expectation would be the sub play to the level of the tier they are subbing for. If the captains cannot come to an agreement regarding the sub, then the team using the sub would have the choice to play without the sub and use the remaining active roster players they have available or forfeit the game and play with the sub. This discussion between the captains is done before the game starts.
If during the game, it is noticeable that the sub is playing above the tier they are subbing in, it would be up to the captain of the opposing team to address the issue. Remember, we are mostly a mixed league that all members pay to play and we want to ensure that all of our members are enjoying the games they play throughout the year.
Remember, everyone has bad days and bad moments; the key is how you handle things afterward.
Please do your part to help make our league as enjoyable as possible for everyone.
Thank you,
The Conduct Committee