MODS Staffing Update

November 22, 2023 at 9:00am

Dear Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports (MODS) Members, affiliates, and supporters, 
MODS and Peter Manastyrsky, Director of Sport and Business, have parted ways, ending our employment relationship. We thank Peter for his contributions to MODS and wish him success in his future endeavors. 

In light of this transition, we are actively working to address MODS' staffing needs, beginning with hiring an Executive Director (ED). The ED, a newly developed role at MODS, will be responsible for hiring additional staff members to manage operations and build out communications and programming. 

The ED position will be posted this week and the Board has engaged the services of a recruitment agency to assist in the hiring process. 

The Board has heard members' feedback and frustrations. We will strive to meet the high standards that our members—the driving force of our organization—have come to expect from MODS over the last 35 years. We appreciate your understanding, patience, and support during this transition period. 

Our commitment to MODS membership is unwavering; we aim to make that clear as we bridge the gap between now and hiring our new staff with a focus on communication, providing exceptional service, and maintaining the strong community we have built together. We want to assure you that we are looking forward and have the best interest of MODS members as our priority. 

After all, we are all part of MODS for the same reason: we are passionate about disc sports. 
Looking forward, 
Kari Bergmuller 
Board President 
Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports