New Summer Leagues - Single Gender

February 6, 2020 at 11:41am

Women's and Men's Leagues Highlight New Options for Summer Ultimate Play!

Women's Leagues

With the help and guidance of the MODS Women's Ultimate Committee, the organization will be undertaking program expansion this summer and offering developmental and intermediate women's leagues for the community. These programs are still being designed but consideration is being given to the length of season, venue and night of the week games will be played. What we know so far:

  • The league(s) will play Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night (not Fri-Sun). MODS and the women's committee are polling members in the winter league to get feedback on the best night and option to play.
  • The league(s) will play out of IJL Ultimate Park as the main venue and possibly (room and rental slots permitting) Assiniboine Park as well.
  • Consideration is also being given to the league starting in June or July and running to the end of August to allow for a shorter and more manageable season.
  • This league will have prizing for the top team at the end of season and also for most spirited team throughout the season.

Any feedback members have about the upcoming women's summer league can be directed to the office through the Business and Sport Development Director or to one of the heads of the Women's Committee.

Men's Leagues

MODS is also looking to expand and offer men's specific programming this summer, the organization will be undertaking program expansion and is considering adding new developmental and intermediate men's leagues for the community. These programs are still being designed but consideration is being given to the length of season, venue and night of the week games will be played. What we know so far:

  • The league(s) will play Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night (not Fri-Sun).
  • The league(s) will play out of IJL Ultimate Park as the main venue.
  • Consideration is also being given to the league starting in June or July and running to the end of August to allow for a shorter and more manageable season.
  • This league will have prizing for the top team at the end of season and also for most spirited team throughout the season.

MODS is asking for help and leadership from the men's ultimate community. ANY PERSON INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH THE OFFICE TO HELP CREATE AND MANAGE THE START UP OF THESE PROGRAMS IS ASKED TO REACH OUT TO THE OFFICE through the Business and Sport Development Director or the Operations Director before Friday February 21st.