Welcome to the 2022 "What the Helles" Monday League
MODS Summer League 2022
Proudly sponsored by Torque Brewing
The MODS Summer 7 on 7 mixed league will begin play in the second week of May (weather permitting) and run through August for a 16 week season.
All players must follow the MODS Return to Play protocols as detailed here - Return to Competition Protocols
All teams must have a minimum roster of 12 players with paid memberships and completed online waivers before their first game. This includes (but is not limited to) a valid membership and signed waivers before competing. All teams must comply with the MODS return to play policies leading up to this league and throughout.
Team Fees: $1070.00 + GST = $1123.50
Free Agent (Individual Registration) Fees: $97.00 + GST = $101.85
(Info on Free Agency)
Important Dates
Registration Opens - April 1st
Registration Closes - May 9th*** check with Corey to see about options to join after the deadline or during Phase II.
Captains Meeting - May 2nd (online via a Zoom call).
League play starts - May 16th
League ends - September 5th
More Info
- Game times - Unless otherwise notified all games will start at 7pm. Hard Cap times will be 9:00pm. (with an adjustment at the end of the season)
- The season will include 3-playoff games in August.
- All games at IJL Ultimate Park & Assiniboine Park (venues to be added as needed)
- All teams must submit 2 $100 performance bond cheques (many of you have bonds on file with the office already). Optional if you do not date the cheques we can hold them in the office for your teams future seasons.
- Gender Rule A is now in effect please review the roster policy and build your team accordingly
- REMINDER - All teams must have at least one Assistant captain
- NEWER - All teams must have a spirit captain designated on their roster.
- All teams must pass the MODS (updated) Rules Quiz or attend a Rules Clinic.
- All teams and MODS members are eligible to participate in the FREE Manitoba Cup tournament event (August 27&28 & IJL Ultimate Park).
- For more info please check out the Adult League Info page or contact Corey