MODS 2022 Annual General Meeting

This year MODS is hosting their Annual General Meeting in a digital environment to allow our members and community to attend from the comforts of their homes while avoiding increased risk of exposure to COVID-19. For our members, please register in advance to allow our staff to confirm your membership status and get you a personalized link to the AGM which will allow you to ask questions and vote during the meeting. For those interested individuals who are not members, please note the AGM will be live streamed on Facebook so that you may follow along.

Date: Wednesday, September 28th 

Time: 7:00 pm

Format: Zoom Meeting 

Notes: To join the Zoom Meeting as an active MODS member, please follow the link directly emailed to current MODS members (Monday, September 26th). For non members the AGM will be live streamed on the MODS Facebook page. If you did not receive the email please contact the office.

To ensure you can vote at the meeting:

1. Ensure you have a valid and fully paid MODS membership for 2022/23

2. Voting will take place at the end of the AGM, through a google form there will be 5 Board of Director positions open for voting. 

  • There will be one list of candidates
  • As a voting member, you can choose up to a maximum of 5 people to join the Board of Directors
  • Additional instructions will be given during the meeting prior to voting.

3. If you have any questions for the candidates, they must be submitted by September 26th at 3 pm CDT. All questions should be sent to the Board President. The morning of September 28th (day of AGM) all answers will be shared here on the MODS AGM page in advance of the meeting for all members to see.

Outgoing & Interim Board Members

We would like to say thank you to our outgoing board members for their years of service, as volunteers for our community and organization. We want to acknowledge the extra time and special efforts they have made during the recent pandemic to help keep the organization in a strong and healthy position moving forward.

Outgoing Board Member - Delaney Vu, Jonathan Klippenstein-Epp

Running for the board... Here's how to apply

We would love to have you become one of our next directors on the MODS board! Please make sure you follow the steps below to ensure you are added to the member notifications ahead of the AGM and so that our members are able to vote for you at the AGM.

1. Any interested member who is interested in running for the MODS Board of Directors, should send a short bio to the president on their history with disc sports and why our members would find them to be a good representative of their wishes on the board. This bio should include a head shot (for the newsletter and AGM) and must be submitted no later than Monday September 26th, 2022

2. Send your application to the MODS President here

3. Be available to meet with the President online ahead of the AGM to build a candidate profile which will be shared online and through MODS

4. Be available the night of the AGM, be prepared to briefly speak and then possibly stay online after the meeting to engage with the board and staff

Please review the the MODS By-Laws and Gender Equity Policy for the board composition

MODS By-Laws:             Article IV: Board of Directors

Gender Equity Policy:    2.3 Board Composition


Returning board members for 2022/2023:

Daniel Plourde- President

Kari Bergmuller- Vice President

Serena Vandersteen- Member at Large

Nigel Batchelor- Member at Large